The Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was established on 1 January 2011. It brings together under one roof the long-standing expertise of the German Development Service (DED), the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and InWEnt � Capacity Building International, Germany. As a federally owned enterprise, it supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. We are also engaged in international education work around the globe.
GIZ operates in many fields, including economic development and employment; governance and democracy; security, reconstruction, peace building and civil conflict transformation; food security, health and basic education; and environmental protection, resource conservation and climate change mitigation.
The project �Advisory services in support of the welcome portal �Make it in Germany�� provides support for the collective campaign by the German Federal Ministries of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), and the Federal Employment Agency (BA), to attract skilled foreign labour to Germany. In particular it supports the new welcome portal �Make it in Germany� (under the responsibility of BMWi) with individual pilot measures in India, Indonesia and Viet Nam. This should inspire more experts to immigrate to Germany.
The commissioning party for the project is BMWi. On the part of GIZ, implementation of the project rests with the Department for Migration (FGE Migration), which also employs a project manager (based in Bonn) to coordinate the whole project.
As the main component of the project is the deployment of local advisors in the pilot countries � functioning as local representatives of the welcome portal � GIZ is now looking for a professional and dynamic Indonesian national to fill the following position:
Local Senior Advisor (fulltime)
Duty Station: Jakarta
Main responsibilities:
- Development, utilisation and strengthening of local network structures (German institutions; alumni organisations; national governmental and non-governmental partner institutions in the field of skilled labour mobility; cooperation with migration and diaspora advisors from the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) etc.)
- Promotion of the welcome portal (distribution of information materials, organisation of and participation in relevant sector events etc.)
- Initial personal counselling for potential applicants (areas of demand and professions in short supply in Germany, immigration regulations, legal framework, information about Germany; forwarding specific requests to the Goethe-Institutes, the German Academic Exchange Service, visa sections etc. and if necessary to relevant government agencies and institutions in Germany)
- Support for the recruitment process (interface function) (first preselection of technically and linguistically qualified candidates, forwarding of suitable applications to the International Placement Services (ZAV) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA))
- Preparation for departure (advice on preparations, identifying appropriate partners for departure preparations and the process of integration in Germany)
Required qualifications:
The local advisor should possess the following skills, knowledge and experiences:
- Experience of Germany (experience of working and/or studying in Germany)
- Language skills (local language as well as sound knowledge of German and English)
- Enterprising and communicative personality, advisory skills
- Experience of organising and implementing events
- Experience of project management and self-reliant budget administration desirable
- Experience in the field of labour market policy/international mobilisation of skilled labour an advantage.
Duration of contract: With immediate effect, initially limited until December 2013.
Submit your comprehensieve resume to : Closing date for applications: 09.01.2013
Submit your comprehensieve resume to : Closing date for applications: 09.01.2013
GIZ Office Jakarta � HR Department
Menara BCA, 46th Floor, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
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